

夕卜 LAB47 2022-11-13

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      -J.L.博尔赫斯 《镜子》       
















王振飞与王鹿鸣,建筑师,艺术家,硕士毕业于荷兰贝尔拉格学院(Berlage Institute),学士毕业于天津大学建筑学院。作为中国新生代建筑师中的佼佼者,王振飞与王鹿鸣的创作实践一直涉足当代艺术领域,二者从建筑师的视角出发,一贯准确而巧妙地处理人、作品与空间之间的关系,并常常在微小处和细节中透射形而上的哲学命题。




根据相关部门规定,LAB 47所在的东四七条30号场地被纳入“历史文化街区”的总体规划,将被重新整修。整修之后的场地将被还原成民宅,其呈现方式也背离了LAB 47 开放式展览的初衷。因此,我们非常遗憾地告知诸位,本次展览将是LAB 47的最后一次展览。今后我们将以其他方式参与中国当代艺术的观察、研究与实践。

I, who felt the horrors of mirrors

Not only in front of the impenetrable crystal

Where there ends and begins, uninhabitable,

An impossible space of reflections…

                       -  J. L. Borges


The Silent Surface originated from J. L. Borges’s poem Mirrors. The mirror and mirror image exist in our everyday life. It seems they know us better even than any other people. The ancients used to say know each other like the mirrors to each other. Mirror has appeared to be another existence of oneself. Until the modern time, we started to realize we never had and hardly really understand the mirror. As Borges’s word, The crystal spies on us, thus it’s unidirectional, hegemonic, demonic. Everything happens and nothing is recorded/ In these rooms of the looking glass, / Where, magicked into rabbis, we/ Now read the books from right to left.


According to Jacques Lacan, awareness of images from the emergence of independent will. Baby first with the mirror to see "the present" and then prove themselves continuously in the mirror with the surrounding objects. As aresult, the mirror is the first positioning device, and the mirror is the only thing can let a person know self-existence state in space. Along with this thought, the image forms the basis for people. People can feel oneself’s existence, just because of there’s an object in the proof, this object can be a mirror in the objectification of self or others. If say no object, no existence of oneself, then everyone is a mirror, to some extent.


But imagine, if a person faces in the mirror, the mirror image of the self-disappeared, what would be the perception of this situation? What impact would happen to our experience? In the face of the mirror, hiding in the everyday experience, how to describe this kind of void? Wang Zhen-fei and Wang Lu-ming’s "The existence" is such a mirror, which has no subject inside, only the others and the surroundings. We face the mirror, yet our mirror image have fled from it, this is a joke to the existence, a satire to epistemology.


At the end of Mirrors, Borges wrote:

God has created nighttime, which he arms

With dreams, and mirrors, to make clear

To man he is a reflection and a mere

        Vanity. Therefore these alarms.

Indeed, the “reflection” and “vanity” are scary, but how if we face a “vanity of nothingness”? What will that feeling be?


We believe “The existence” is one of Wang Zhen-fei and Wang Lu-ming’s most sophisticated also ingenious series of artworks. It is easy to be touched by their wisdom when you face to the oeuvre.

Funding Credits

The Silent Surface is made possible through financial support from the New Century Art Foundation.

开幕时间:2016年9月25日 下午3点


Opening:September 25, 2016, 3:00 PM

Venue: 30 Dongsi Qitiao, Dong Cheng District, Beijing




